Midnight Ocellaris Clownfish

$79.99 CAD

1 in stock

Amphiprion ocellaris

The Midnight Clownfish is a striking and unusual variety of Ocellaris Clownfish, known for its deep, velvety black coloration. Unlike the typical orange and white clownfish, the Midnight Clownfish lacks the traditional white bands, giving it a sleek, all-black appearance that stands out in any reef aquarium.

These clownfish have the same peaceful nature and hardy constitution as other Ocellaris varieties, making them suitable for a wide range of tank setups. Their dramatic dark coloration can create a striking contrast when paired with brightly colored corals or other vibrant tank inhabitants.

Like other clownfish, they can form a symbiotic relationship with anemones but are also happy without one. Being captive-bred, they are well adapted to aquarium life and contribute to more sustainable reef-keeping practices.

The Midnight Clownfish is an elegant, minimalist addition to any marine aquarium, offering a subtle yet captivating presence in a colorful underwater environment.


 Breeder QM Labs
1mm PE Pellets
 Minimum Tank Size  20 Gallons
 Fully Grown Size  3 Inches
 Temperament  Peaceful