Young Finger Leather

$49.99 CAD

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Sinularia sp.

Finger Leathers are a semi-aggressive and easy to keep leather coral that is a great choice for new hobbyists. Some species will release toxins into the water, which can be harmful to stony corals. If you are running a mixed reef we recommend using chemical filtration like activated carbon to help remove the toxins from the water. They grow in long soft branches that sway back and forth in the flow.

Our recommendation is to keep this coral in medium to high light and flow. While these corals will survive and grow in low light and flow conditions, that isn’t ideal for them. We observe brighter colouration and longer polyp extension the more light and flow we provide them. In the wild these corals tend to be in very turbulent and shallow reefs so it makes sense that they would be happiest in these conditions.

 Difficulty  Low
 Lighting  Low - High Light
 Water Flow  Low - High Flow
 Temperament  Peaceful
 Placement  Bottom - Top


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