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Anemone Hosting

Anemone Hosting

The symbiotic relationship between clownfish and anemones is perhaps one of the most iconic relationships between any two animals. This relationship is often the reason why many people enter the marine aquarium hobby.

While anemones are most well known for hosting clownfish, they will also host many inverts as well! There are various species of shrimp and crabs that can be found living in the protective stinging tentacles of an anemone. However, it's important to understand that some anemones do not naturally host anything, and the different species of clownfish, shrimp, and crabs that use anemones for protection have preferences for which anemones they will use.

Listed below are examples of anemones you will find these animals using as a host for protection in aquariums and in the wild. Despite these general guidelines it's important to understand that many of these fish and inverts can choose pretty much anything in the aquarium to be hosted by.

Providing your clownfish an ideal host anemone will increase the chances of the anemone hosting your clownfish but not guarantee it. Often hosting can take time and your clownfish may ultimately choose a coral instead.

Can Anemones Be Shared?

We're often asked if you can add an amenone invert such as a Porcelain Crab to an anemone that's already hosting a clownfish. This can depend on the size of the anemone and the temperament of the clownfish. We've seen a pair of clownfish gladly sharing a small Bubble Tip Anemone with a few Sexy Shrimp and we've also seen a single clownfish making sure that no inverts could get anywhere near its Giant Carpet Anemone.

Our recommendation is to make sure you have enough anemones present for every fish or invert that requires one. You may find they will end up sharing but it's most likely that they will not.

Anemone Fish

Ocellaris Clownfish
Amphiprion ocellaris

Bubble Tip Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor

Giant Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla gigantea

Haddon's Saddle Carpet Anemon
Stichodactyla haddoni

Merten's Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla mertensii

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Percula Clownfish
Amphiprion percula

Bubble Tip Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor

Giant Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla gigantea

Merten's Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla mertensii

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Sebae Anemone
Heteractis crispa

Orange Skunk Clownfish
Amphiprion sandaracinos

Merten's Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla mertensii

Sebae Sea Anemone
Heteractis crispa

Pink Skunk Clownfish
Amphiprion perideraion

Giant Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla gigantea

Long Tentacle Anemone
Macrodactyla doreensis

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Sebae Anemone
Heteractis crispa

Spotcinctus Clownfish
Amphiprion bicinctus

Bubble Tip Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor

Beaded Anemone
Heteractis aurora

Haddon's Saddle Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla haddoni

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Sebae Anemone
Heteractis crispa


Anemone Inverts

Sexy Anemone Shrimp
Thor amboinensis

Bubble Tip Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor

Giant Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla gigantea

Maxi-Mini Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla tapetum

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Rock Flower Anemone
Epicystis crucifer

Porcelain Anemone Crab
Neopetrolisthes ohshimai

Bubble Tip Anemone
Entacmaea quadricolor

Giant Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla gigantea

Maxi-Mini Carpet Anemone
Stichodactyla tapetum

Ritteri Anemone
Heteractis magnifica

Rock Flower Anemone
Epicystis crucifer