Iron Man Discosoma

$49.99 CAD

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Discosoma sp.

 Difficulty  Low
 Lighting  Medium
 Water Flow  Medium
 Temperament  Passive
 Placement  Low-High



The Discosoma genus typically contains corallimorphs that have a smooth margin to their oral disc and no tentacles, in contrast to the tentacled appearance of genera like Ricordea or Rhodactis. Discosoma corallimorphs are often referred to as "mushroom corals" due to their round, mushroom-like appearance. However, they are not true stony corals, but rather members of the Corallimorpharia order, which are classified with sea anemones. While they resemble stony corals in their overall morphology, Discosoma lack the characteristic stony skeleton.

Due to some misunderstandings between correct classification, the genus name Actinodiscus is not universally accepted by the scientific community. There are most certainly Actinodiscus species but the genera is referred to as Discosoma.


“Mushroom corals” or Discosoma tend to be more forgiving of improper husbandry. When provided with less than ideal water chemistry, flow, or lighting, they actually will thrive. They prefer low light and low flow for optimal growing conditions.

Discosoma is able to be kept in a variety of tanks, from new tanks to mature. While they will be more forgiving of water chemistry and parameters, it is still important to keep an eye on your aquarium and ensure that it has stable water parameters. To keep our water parameters stable we have our preferred parameters for Alkalinity, Phosphates and Nitrates. If your Alkalinity, Phosphates, or Nitrates are out of line, our recommendation is to get it back to your target levels as slowly as possible.

The parameters we aim for are:



8.3 dKH


0.05 - 0.15 ppm


5.0 - 15.0 ppm


It's important to understand that these are the levels that we aim for in our systems. However, that doesn't mean they are the right levels for your system. All aquariums are different and your system may naturally fall on a different balance. You're better off working with the balance your system tends towards than trying to force the same levels that we run.


In terms of flow, Discosoma requires little of it. This would make them appropriate corals for low flow areas such as near the bottom of the tank or in shady areas.


Discosoma are not light-loving corals. We always recommend placing them lower on the rockwork where they will receive lower light. It has been said by some that they can be integrated to intermediate light to increase colouration in different varieties of Discosoma. But as noted by others and ourselves, if this is something you wish to do we recommend doing it slowly! Otherwise you risk bleaching your coral.

Too much light can cause Discosoma to turn white, if this happens lower the coral in your tank, move it to a shady area, or decrease your light intensity. This is a slow process, however, assuming your water chemistry is stable and the coral is now in a better placement, it will eventually regain its colour.